We have prepared a guide for you if you want to get a security camera in your head, but question marks occur. You will learn everything about the security cameras with this post.

Determining the need priorities while researching for the desired security camera system to be used is very important. Need to pay attention to the following topics in after the system is configured correctly;

  • Camera Selection
  • Lens Selection
  • Recording Device Selection

Now let's consider in more detail these issues one by one.

news programs on television, and we are faced with constant security camera footage on the internet. Security camera systems; especially when we ourselves with our employees or family to be there It is one of the most important ways of protection. However, in this regard; rates, which vary in terms of qualifications and use a wide range of products available. Here we asking the right questions in this guide, we aim to find you the most suitable product.

Security Camera System What is it?
Obviously people can not be everywhere at once. All of you want to protect, the security officer can not watch alone. However, security systems, with a single security guard All of the trackingAllows. In its simplest definition, camera security system, a camera, a monitor, a recording device and it consists of a cable that connects them. Such systems for closed circuit television systems (CCTV) is called. Such systems, without there helps you monitor the area you want to watch.

System Selection How?

fully meet the needs of security camera system will be used to establish the most cost effective and can be very good for the components to be used in the system and identifying the technologies to be used in this section of our gerekir.rehberi components and technologies We will try to help you by taking individually;

1-Camera Selection How?

One of the most important components of security camera systems are undoubtedly camera. When determining to be included in the camera system used technology, different alternatives are evaluated according to its area and its intended use. The most important issue here, The precise determination of requirements and this is the identification of products that meet the needs at the most affordable cost. At this stage, we will examine the kinds of cameras;

a) Technologies Used by camera
a-1) Analog Kameralar

Analog cameras are the most experienced and older tech products in the market. The low cost and easy installation nedeniyle diğer ürünlerden önce dikkat çeken analog kameralar, çözünürlük konusunda çok yüksek rakamlara ulaşamazlar. Çalışma prensipleri oldukça basittir. Sabit ya da hareketli kameralar ile çekilen görüntü UTP kablolar üzerinden kayıt cihazına (DVR) iletilir. Kayıt cihazı bu görüntüleri dijitale çevirip yüksek kalitede saklar.

Thanks to advancing technology infrastructure using analog cameras and HD 1080p and 720p-resolution image alabilenahd CVI cameras were produced. This allows cameras to take high-resolution images by transmitting analog video signals over conventional coaxial cables.

a-2) IP Cameras
IP camera is connected directly to a computer network like. Videos directlybecause it is stored in digital media You will not need a DVR to digitize. Camera do not need to connect to a recording device, since each device is connected to the network. IP cameras are also thinner, more flexible use of the internet cable that is more useful and koaksiyonel cable. Most IP cameras can receive power cable and one cable internet is much more comfortable twin cable from the DVR. It is more favorable than in the analog camera resolution.

b) the type of camera to camera by Type
b-1) Case Cameras

The oldest type box camera is a camera kameradır.hav unsuitable conditions and objektifsiz sold. At first glance it may seem like a small-capacity camera, but extensive industry standard frame, super wide angle, high-zoom up to you need for each type of image that It means that you can take appropriate lens. The size of the camera's size, allows for the inclusion of required electronic components for demanding shots. This makes it a good choice. This camera is suitable for outdoor use because the weather conditions of a body of the camera (the camera housing) you must assemble into. There are different housing options for different weather conditions.

b-2) Bullet Kameralar
The most common type of camera used. Bullet camera body to suit the weather conditions and improved night vision performanceilluminated with infrared lensbirlikte mermi şekilli bir kameradır. Objektifi değişken ya da sabit odaklı olabilir. Kızılötesi aydınlatması olmayan bullet kameralara lipstick kamera denir. Bu tip kameralar kurulumu en kolay kameralardır. Dirsek kurulumu sırasında tam olarak istediğiniz görüntüyü almak için kamerayı sağa-sola, aşağı-yukarı hareket ettirebilir, döndürebilirsiniz. Tabi ki dirsek ve ayarı gevşetmediğiniz ya da motorlu dirsekli bir kamera almadığınız sürece kamerayı tekrar hareket ettiremezsiniz. Çoğu kamera dirseğin kameranın altına veya üstüne monte edilmesine uygundur. Bu da kamerayı bir duvar veya tavana ya da herhangi bir çıkıntıya asmanıza olanak sağlar.

b-3) Dome Kameralar
Dome cameras, bullet or box with aesthetic concerns are especially preferred because it is less noticeable compared to the camera. Moreover, these cameras are more difficult to identify at a glance daily life. Dome cameras, fixed or variable (varifokal) may be oriented lens. Infrared illumination also may be. Most dome is designed to be mounted on the ceiling or a projecting shape, but it is suitable to be wall-mounted for rotation of illustrative embodiments of some cameras. Physical attacks against resistant dome cameras reinforced body known as the cameras are a good choice for applications in harsh environments. These cameras not only allow the shape to better absorb the impact of heavy objects like hammers and stone fragments flying into the air, as well as the camera can not be coated with a towel or plastic bag. the shape of the dome-shaped, making it easier to slip the rope instead of allowing the camera to drop a rope thrown on camera.

b-4) PTZ Kameralar
Up and down (tilt), forward and backward (pan) can move, zoom-in (approach) and zoom-out (away) an operator that allows to do with PTZ on motorized camera (pan-tilt-zoom) camera. You can usually get a few regular camera PTZ cameras to a single price. Several fixed camera allows you to see the entire scene simultaneously. A PTZ glides through the entire scene It is movable and can then zoom in on a single point, but of course you can only see the point pointed the camera. If you sign PTZ from a certain direction and at a certain point, seeing the activity at any point not covered by a fixed camera, or you have the possibility to save, but you can alanlarıkaçır other. Therefore PTZ camera especially used to give an overview in large areas, concerns needed to be supported by the fixed camera focused area.

2-Lens Selection How?

There are two important titles in lens selection should be considered. One of these is the determination of the camera lens compatible with (A) determining a lens according to the other in the intermediate (B) is.

a) Determination of the camera lens Compatible
Making the choice of the most appropriate camera depending on the ambient conditions and user requirements, it is one of the first stage of the CCTV security system installation. You can also benefit from the following article about seçil mAsI of the appropriate camera for the project;
Should we need to know when choosing Security Camera System 7 Criteria
The cameras will be used in the project "box (Box) Camera" by being kind, attached to the camera and can be easily replaced when required external lenses come to the fore.The resolution of the camera box to make the appropriate choice of lens camera, format and lens assembly / connection care should be taken shape.

a-1) Camera Resolution
The resulting image may be only for the quality of its high resolution camera is not enough, the lens installed must support the same resolution. For example, to obtain a 2-megapixel Full HD display (2 megapixel) lenses to be used with cameras, should be one of the compatible lens.

a-2) Kamera ve Lens Formatı
Just like the CCTV camera lenses on the format size (1/2 ", 2/3", 1/3 ", 1/4", etc.) are sorted by. Lens format is determined by the area ratio of the diameter to be displayed. seçil mAsI the camera lens with the same format, the format is the best solution. Lens format, are no longer visible place outside the camera's sensor is smaller than the format.

a-3) Kamera Lens Seçimi
In the absence of camera format lens with the same format is selected, the lens can be selected larger format camera format. For example, the camera format 1/3 "lens format is 1/2" can be; 1/4 but can not ". But in this case it remains in the corners of images as black.

b) Determination of the proper lens Medium

b-1) Focal Length (Focal Distance)
focus on the distance between the optical center of the lens and the sensor in the camera is called away. in areas where we want to be the focal broad point of view we have to choose low. For this reason it is called the focal length of the lens with a narrow angle lens high. According to the focal length of the lens types are as follows,

– Fixed Focus Lenses: such as 3.6 mm focal length lenses are fixed.
– Varifocal (Varifokal) Lenses: 3.5 - 8 mm focal length, such as lenses, which are very close together. This type of lens focal length can be changed according to the ambient conditions.
– Zoom Lenses: A wide range of focal lengths ranging lenses are called zoom lenses.

b-2) Asking Field of View (Angle)
The factors that determine the size of the object field of view of a camera (width and height) and are the most important factors in determining the field of view of the camera distance to the object. change the focal length of the lens is sufficient to achieve the appropriate field.
Lens Range Line of Sight
2.8 – 5 mm < 10 m
4 mm ~ 10 m
6 mm ~ 15 m
8 mm ~ 20 m
12 mm ~ 30 m
16 mm ~ 40 m

b-3) Light Adjustment (Lighting)
change the image of the light levels in the environment are among the factors affected. Suitable iris lenses inability to clear the track is not chosen, complete disappearance of the image occurs as problems. The operating principle of the lens is like the working principle iris Un in the human eye. There are 4 types compared to the control lens iris control types:

– Sabit IRISL lens: if the light level changes such as Factory 7/24 used in environments where fixed-iris lenses.
– Manuel IRISL lens: iris iris level can be changed manually in areas where the ambient light varies over time lenses must be used.
– Motorlu iris zoom lens: Such lenses are generally used for professional applications. A motor by changing the focal length of the image is enlarged both light control is done automatically. Such lenses are more expensive and larger size compared to other lenses.
– Auto-iris lens (Video drive or DC drive): Iris control system which is triggered by a video signal as the Video Drive known, the system was made based on the DC voltage from the camera is called DC Drive. Video Drive or DC Drive also referred to as a so-called auto-iris and iris control can not be performed manually, often used in place of the light control. Nowadays overall iris control is done via DC Drive.

b-4) Light Gathering Capacity (Aspect Ratio / F-Stop)
Lensin ışık toplama kapasitesi, görüş alanına düşen ışık miktarının ayarlanması için kullanılmaktadır. Literatürde f simgesi ile gösterilen ve “F-Stop” olarak adlandırılan ışık toplama kapasitesi sayesinde lensin ışık geçirme yeteneği belirlenir. F-Stop değeri ne kadar düşükse ışık geçime yeteneği o kadar büyüktür. Başka bir deyişle daha az ışıkta daha net (aydınlık) görüntü yakalana bilmektedir. Örneğin, f:1.5 olan bir lens f:1.2 olan lensten daha az ışık geçirdiğinden elde edilen görüntü daha karanlık olacaktır.

The blog post regarding the selection of lenses can be found at the following link;
Lenses for CCTV Cameras (Lens) Selection Criteria

3) Recording Device Selection How?

In this section images from the cameras and recorders How to save the selection will try to clarify how-to questions.

images from security cameras, CCTV cabling passing through the installation analog and digital Reaches the recording platform. Analog recording device used is called a DVR. Digital IP network-based systems used in images from the cameras and NVR software-based recording is carried out by software running on the server.

a) What is DVR?
CCTV systems, Digital Video Recorder with recording devices that can receive images from security cameras through (DVR) is called. Digital Recorders record video and audio is a compact, remote monitoring, backups, may have features such as playback of recordings.
Recording equipment, according to need, and shows changes based on existing CCTV system. CCTV systems usually 4, 8, 16 and 32 channel DVR types are used. The number of channels on the CCTV systemThe amount of cameras that can be connected According diversified. For example; If there are 4 camera CCTV system 4 channel DVR, if an 8-channel digital recorder 8 cameras can be used.

+ Advantages; It is a cost-effective solution that will do quite easy setup and installation technicians is very high.
– Cons; For all cameras require wiring, the number depending on the number of DV cameras increases, the image quality is limited and requires a certain limitation on the resolution.

b) NV What is it?
The images from the IP camera connected to the network is recorded and then again NVR devices that enable monitoring of these images over the network (Network Video Recorder) is called. The images from the IP camera, NVR device throughIt can be digitally recorded.
NVR cihazları, kameraların bağlanabileceği kanallardan oluşabilmektedir. Örneğin; IP kamera sisteminin 4 kameradan oluştuğu durumlarda, IP kamera NVR cihazı minimum 4 kanalı destekleyebilecek özellikle olmalıdır. Günümüzde kullanılan NVR cihazları, kayıt altına alınan görüntüyü H.264 protokolünü ile sıkıştırarak kaydedebilmektedir. Bu özellik sayesinde video kayıpları minimum düzeye inerken en az alana yüksek kalitede görüntü kaydedilebilmektedir.

+ Advantages; support channels is greater than the DVR provides maximum resolution, the cost of cabling for using the network infrastructure is low, easy expansion of facilities, it allows for easy management and maintenance, thanks to PoE feature does not require an additional power line.
– Cons; It has a lot of data storage needs.

c) Software Based Recorder What is it?
With these solutions with IP-based or installed on the server computer recording software used for camera systems are recorded images from the camera. So instead of buying hardware, such as NVR for recording existing or newly added servers used.

+ Advantages; software and connect hundreds of cameras according to the specifications of the devices, maintenance / operating / management studies is quite easy, customer adaptive video analysis applications according to demand, thanks to stable recording platform for continuous recording is achieved, 3. provided integration with party software and hardware, takes up less space in the rack cabinet, data storage security thanks to record loss is minimized.
– Cons; software and licensing costs can be high, it requires authorization for the installation technician.

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